The term "Serpent Power" refers to the kundalini, an energy said to be released within an individual by meditation techniques. It is a philosophically sophisticated commentary on, and translation of, the Satcakra-nirupana ("Description of and Investigation into the Six Bodily Centres") of Purnananda (dated c.AD 1550) and the Paduka-Pancaka ("Five-fold Footstool of the Guru"). Woodroffe's The Serpent Power The Secrets of Tantric and Shaktic Yoga, is a source for many modern Western adaptations of Kundalini yoga practice.

Sir John George Woodroffe (1865≡936), also known by his pseudonym Arthur Avalon, was a British Orientalist whose work helped to unleash in the West a deep and wide interest in Hindu philosophy and Yogic practices. The other images are examples of the files on the disc. The Image of the Disc and DVD Case in the listing is the one you will receive New and in Shrinkwrap. Scanned from Original books and may contain various marks and imperfections. All Files in varying degree of quality, Most are great! All at least readable. Files are mostly PDFs, Mobi (Kindle) and Epubs (most other e-readers), Some DJVU. Most of the Tantric Texts Series is in Sanskrit, with the exception of the introductions. Including the 22 volume Tantric Texts Series Edited by Arthur Avalon (John Woodroffe) (Missing Vol 17). Arthur Avalon, aka John Woodroffe LOT of 39 Books On DVD media (Data Disc).Or you can choose to receive a link to direct download.