On the upside, the Wii U is still the only eighth gen console sitting pretty with all forms of backwards compatibility for not only its previous generation console, the Wii, but also past generations as well, including but not limited to NES games, SNES titles, N64 heavy hitters and even smash hits from the GameCube era. In fact, they made it known that there wasn't even going to be any kind of digital game support from the 360's library made available for the Xbox One. Still, I would say that Sony is definitely in a better position than Microsoft, who still has no backwards compatibility in sight and none announced for the near future, either. Thankfully, Sony does have an option in the form of PlayStation Now, the digital streaming service that enables players to play certain titles from the back catalog of the PlayStation 3's library. What this means is that competition is about to pick up, and Sony is encouraged now more than ever to properly deliver backwards compatibility, or else gamers will simply need to stick with their glorious PC to maintain both the indie, mid-level and backwards compatible support with the PS3.

Now this doesn't mean that the PC emulation community is shaking hands with the devil of piracy like Romeo Dallarie during the UN debacle. The reality is that the PlayStation 3 emulation is almost coming along faster than the Xbox 360 emulation progress. :D"Ī lot of gamers originally thought that the complexity of the PlayStation 3's Cell architecture would have prevented it from being emulated however, the emulation community has proven that the barriers put into public discussion threads are nothing more than thin text and unfounded fanboy fears. That should give us another important speed-boost in the near future which will be appreciated by more "complex" games. RPCS3's author, is working on a PPU recompiler, though. Notice that this is running in a slow interpreter that is not optimized at all. ".there is still a long road to go until more complex games can be considered playable (regardless of the speed). One of the developers on the RPCS3 team, Alex Altea, dropped this useful comment on a Reddit thread, as well as a link to the source code for anyone with keen enough machine coding skills to help out.